Sunday, June 5, 2011

Why You Should Take Colostrum Everyday???

If you wish to have a healthy body then there is no better or more natural supplement for you than colostrum.
  • Colostrum is a natural source of antibodies that help to destroy and/or neutralise the pathogens that cause illness.
  • Colostrum is a natural source of growth factors that may assist in maintaining the integrity of the gut wall.
  • Colostrum is a natural source of other valuable immune factors.
  • Colostrum contains a multitude of bioactive compounds that work synergistically to 
  •  support your immune system and give greater health.  

Once a pathogen enters the gut, these antibodies surround it and bind to its surface so as to prevent it adhering to the gut wall causing illness. Instead, it merely passes through the system and is expelled. The more of these natural antibodies you have, the stronger your immune system will be.
COLOSTRUM - nature’s immunity provider
bug-1 1. Germs enter the body and make their way to the gut wall.
bug-2 2. Once attached to the gut wall, germs begin to multiply freely, causing illness and disease.
bug-3 3. The antibodies in colostrum remain in the gut, increasing your natural antibody levels. When a germ invades they attach themselves to it.
bug-4 4. Once the antibodies are attached, the germ cannot stick to the gut wall, and passes harmlessly through your system.

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